Use AI to drive 10-30X higher ROI

Intent technology that transforms B2B ads and content into leads and sales growth.

ActiveIQ AdConnect illustration showing a computer with digital marketing features.

Turn Your Ads Into Leads With Contact-Level Insights

Designed specifically for industrial, manufacturing, energy and other B2B companies, AdCONNNECTTM is a data-driven advertising technology that is proven to generate a 50% or higher conversion rate and 10-30X ROI over conventional marketing campaigns.

ActiveIQ ActiveIntelligence illustration showing a graph indicating sales growth.

Increase Your ROI By 10-30X With Actionable Intent Data

Using our proprietary technology, we help industry-leading companies consistently achieve a 10-30X increase in ROI from their online marketing campaigns while giving them all the information they need to better understand their customers.

ActiveIQ integration illustration showing connection to sales and marketing software.

Understand Prospects & Close Deals With Sales Intelligence

Unlock complete visibility into your prospects with AI sales intelligence. Our digital fingerprinting technology tracks every interaction, helping your sales team focus on high-value opportunities from first engagement to closing the deal.


ActiveIQ supercharges your ad results using first-and second-party intent data. What does that mean? We show you who is engaging with your ads, what they’re looking at, and when to move forward using data and analytics from publications sharing your brand with their subscribers. It provides you with an untapped funnel of leads for your sales team to start leveraging.

Rocket ship icon to exemplify sales growth.

Get Started With ActiveIQ

Want to dig into how our solutions can work for you? Looking for answers to specific questions? Schedule a one-on-one meeting with one of our experts.

AMS Samplers testimonial about experience with ActiveIQ supporting their business to business marketing