ActiveIQ Invited to Demo at Internet Marketing Conference September 12, 2008

PRESS RELEASE: August 21, 2008

Calgary, Canada  [August 21, 2008] – ActiveIQ today announced a new version is available, with improved Visitor Detail, Web Stats and easier to use off-line Campaign Tracking. ActiveIQ continues to upgrade its software as a service (SaaS) product regularly, delivering more value without interruption to its customers.

The company also announced an invitation to demo at the Internet Marketing Conference being held September 11-12, 2008 in Vancouver.  This conference which is geared toward search engine marketing, Web 2.0 and online advertising  is well-known throughout the world, with conferences in New York, Stockholm, and Barcelona since 2000. The conference founders have invited ActiveIQ to demo before a crowd of 800 experienced and professional online marketers.

“We are very pleased to have been selected as the only marketing automation tool to be demo’ed at IMC Vancouver 2008 said Fred Yee, President of ActiveIQ. “Our roots in search engine marketing and online advertising make ActiveIQ an ideal product to show attendees how they can easily turn clicks into qualified and valuable sales leads that they can manage effortlessly in a long sales cycle.”.

The conference will also feature speakers from SAP, Google, Exact Target, Yahoo, Victoria’s Secret and many others. More information can be found at

Visit for more information on the product, and to get a free trial.

About ActiveIQ:

ActiveIQ is the technology leader in total marketing measurement (TMM) and demand generation for SMBs. We help companies manage marketing ROI on multiple marketing campaigns and know which leads are sales-ready. Our product automates lead nurturing, scoring and demand generation so that you can do more marketing with fewer resources. ActiveIQ helps over 100 users make intelligent sales and marketing decisions every day. We are a proud partner of, VerticalResponse, Jigsaw, Google and many other industry leaders. For more information, please visit or call 1-877-872-2764.